Monday, December 28, 2009

School's Out for Winter!

Well, school's out for the students anyway. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to go on an overnight retreat with my school. I think there is only one other English teacher going, so I am bringing a book a two. I've heard these trips end up being a lot of boozing; unfortunately, the thought of drinking makes me feel a little ill after Christmas.

Also unfortunately, my camera got stolen. I would be more depressed since I was in love with my canon point-and-shoot, but this actually happened a little while ago. I might try and go to Yongsan Electronics Market tonight to buy a new one since I hear we are going to the seaside for this workshop.


  1. Oh, no! That great camera! Where did it get stolen? Your pictures were so great.

  2. Brooke! I'm enjoying your blog... I'm sorry to hear about your camera.

  3. Sorry to hear about your camera. It must suck to be looking for electronics in Soeul. Ha! Does sarcasm translate well to print?

  4. Hah, actually, electronics are really expensive here. Since Samsung and LG kind of dominate the market, they set the price.
