And here's a picture of me balancing a menu on my head. Talent.
While we were having coffee with my co-teachers, Eric and I demonstrated the thanksgiving tradition of tracing your hand and making it look like a turkey. We used a napkin and the waterproof marker I've had in my purse since we went to Namsan Tower. Unfortunately, we didn't realize that the ink would bleed through and leave a very festive drawing on the table. We are really leaving our mark on Korea (har).
Later, Eric and I went to Hongdae to meet some friends.

Friends (Anji probably looks annoyed because she is a Native American. Or, because we were stupidly drunk.)
This is how I look when I'm going to spend the next morning wishing I were dead.
Not sure if it was the phrasing, the photo, or the combination of both, but the last one got a pretty harty laugh from me.... See facebook question re: my concerns about alochol consumption in Korea.