Friday, August 21, 2009

I Have Arrived

I arrived in Seoul last night and have now been here for a full day. The other SMOE teachers and myself are being put up in dorms at the National Institute for International Education. Given that I'm still living out of a duffel bag, it hasn't really sunken in that I've committed myself to living in Seoul for a year.

What I am most surprised by is how foreign Seoul doesn't feel. It seems pretty much like any big city - lots of people, traffic, loud noises and restaurants.

Except one thing.

In America, we tend to associate the 'clean bathroom' smell with pine or lemon scent. I never questioned those smells being completely normal as indicators of cleanliness. However, it seems that most Koreans associate a clean bathroom with smelling like mothballs. It's odd to walk into a dormitory bathroom and suddenly feel like I'm at my grandparents' house.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Mothballs = grandparents' house. You made me laugh, Brooke! I like your style. I know you'll be a great teacher.

  3. p.s. I forgot to mention that I HATE THAT SMELL!!!!!!!

  4. cultural differences: we can boil em down to bathroom odor
