Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Jeongju Fieldtrip

Last Sunday, our orientation class went to Jeongju, a city two and a half hours south of Seoul. There is a hanok (a traditional Korean village) built there. To go with the traditional Korean village we had a traditional Korean lunch.

This is bibimbap, which means vegetables and rice. All the other little plates are side dishes you can add into your bibimbap.

As you can see, Eric was very excited about lunch.

Afterward, we played on the nolttwigi, which is sort of like a seesaw except the object it to hurtle your partner into the air when you jump on your end. Eric and I tried to play but we were not very good. Two old Korean men tried to demonstrate for us, but they really just highlighted our suckiness. I'm posting a video from Youtube below to give you a better idea of the game.

Nolttwigi Demonstration

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Brooke. The food looks awesome! Guess you aren't too hungry in SOKO!
