Sunday, April 25, 2010

A Brief Love Note

Dear Korea,

For the past few months, our relationship has felt a little rocky. I never stopped loving you (you're awesome! I feel like we get along so well) but, well, you really let yourself go over winter.

I have to tell you, though, that whatever you have been doing recently is working for you. Cause daaaamn, Korea, you are looking so fine.



Gangnam (where I occasionally drink and carouse and am merry.)

It's been getting so warm here that I feel the urge to walk everywhere. Today, I woke up with a random craving for rice cakes, and decided I would stroll northward to find some.

I walked for a very long time until I came to the freeway. So, I walked over the freeway. 

The bike path over the freeway is pretty.

I ended up walking to Hangang Park. It is just now becoming spring. How beautiful.

In the background in the National Assembly building.

I climbed up some stairs.

 Hey, ajosshi, get out of my picture!

Then I walked along the raised path that runs around Yeouido. Yeouido is an "island" by my house where rich people live. They also broadcast TV shows.

Cherry blossoms!

The cherry blossoms were beautiful and so I was happy.

Yeouido park

Then I bought some egg bread and ate it in the park. It was delicious. This took about two and a half hours. The walking, not the eating an egg biscuit. I never did find any rice cakes, though. Man, I get up to random things when I'm hungover.

Mmmm, egg bread

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